I'm just an average guy, nobody special. I take pictures, mostly of classic cars, sometimes of nature. I am a learning amateur.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Some Pictures from May

Pink is Outcast (by Brain Toad Photography)
Pink is Outcast

All Alone (by Brain Toad Photography)
All Alone

Rusty Grille (by Brain Toad Photography)
Rusty Grille

1934 Dodge Brothers (by Brain Toad Photography)
1934 Dodge Brothers

Grille with a Nose (by Brain Toad Photography)
Grille with a Nose

Face in Chrome (by Brain Toad Photography)
Face in Chrome

Black and White Chrome (by Brain Toad Photography)
Black and White Chrome

Hood Head (by Brain Toad Photography)
Hood Head

Packard Swan (by Brain Toad Photography)
Packard Swan

Soaring (by Brain Toad Photography)

About Me

I'm just an average guy. I'm a student at Sonoma State University. I take pictures, mostly of classic cars.