My original destination was the Sonoma Valley Regional Park in Glen Ellen. I followed Google's directions to Sonoma Mountain Road and realized that that street deserved its mountain name, barely wide enough for two lanes and no lines painted, I wasn't going to drive that, especially when I wasn't sure where I was going. I decided to head back the way I came and take the alternate route of highway 12 through Santa Rosa. I passed Crane Creek on my way up and decided I'd stop there instead. While not as large nor tree filled as I read that Sonoma Valley was, I thought it would be a nice drive.
First thing I noticed was the lack of a ranger station of any sort. Yet you still had to pay for parking, $5 in an envelope. I guess it's based on the honor system and fear that they could come and check anytime, writing down license plate numbers and parking permit numbers to see if you paid. Though it seemed like I was the only one who paid. Oh well, more money for the parks.
Crane Creek is very much like most of California and Sonoma county, covered in grassland with a few trees cropping up here and there. Not until you descend down the hill slightly towards the actual Creek (which was dried up at this time) do the trees start to get more thick.
Overall it was a lovely hike. I'm kind of glad I went to Crane Creek instead. I'm not the most physically fit, and this hike had me somewhat winded near the end, I could only imagine what Sonoma Valley would do to me if it was longer. I'd definitely go up there again, though I'd bring a walking stick. It was great place to clear my mind, distract myself from the shit week I had, and give me a chance to take some great pictures.
My initial reason for going to a park was to see some actual trees that changed color in fall, unlike the evergreens and redwoods I'm used to seeing. While Crane Creek had none of that, the vineyards across the street were showing off their fall colors and it was quite a beautiful sight.
That one was actually taken near the end of my hike.
The first trail I headed to was the overlook trail, I wasn't sure how high up I was, so I wanted to see how far I could see. The view was gorgeous, with Rohnert Park and parts of Santa Rosa in the foreground and the hills covered in haze in the background, I was really awed by it all.
I'm pretty sure that building is the new Green Music Center here at SSU, but I'm not certain, as I couldn't really gauge my location in relation to the school.
From the outlook and other high points of the park, I turned around toward Pressley road and towards the multitudes of vineyard homes and ranches that were located here.
This house really captured my attention, it just stood out where it was.
I wasn't sure what would look better, with the weeds in focus or the house in focus. I think the weeds in focus turned out better, but I think it's because I didn't really get the house totally in focus in the other. Maybe if I played with the F-number I might have gotten better results.
All the trails were marked throughout the park. I spent most of my time on the Fiddleneck trail, which was for walkers, bikes, and horses. I saw no bikes, and only saw horses when I was leaving. This trail does a loop around the park, with various junctions to the other trails. This trail however was not marked and looked like a shortcut that quite a few people decided to take.
The center of the park was made up of a mass of trees that shaded the wildflower meadows. Apparently during the spring this park is a great spot for wildflowers. I guess I'll have to go back when they are in bloom. All I saw were wilted, dead wildflowers.
This tree was all alone near the top of the park. Also notice in this shot part of the trail. The Fiddleneck trail was covered in rocks and gravel that made it quite a difficult journey when going up and slightly dangerous going down. Would not want to ride a bike down this.
I know nothing of trees, so I don't know what this is. But the mass of branches going every which way was amazing. It reminded me of the haunted trees at the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland.
Another example of the crazy branched trees
Many of the trees had lots of moss and other plants growing on the actual, giving a really cool look.
I wonder how many people go off the trail to go check out that arch, either to lay under it or just look at it closer. I decided not to.
This barbed wire was kind of in a random spot. I guess it was to really force people to stay on the trails by only giving them a gate on the actual trail. I liked the rusted look and the menacing barbs. I had to hump a gate post to get this shot, but I'm pretty happy with. Should have messed with the F-number to get those back poles into focus slightly more without losing the main focus on the front post.
Crane Creek itself was dried up for the year, but apparently it does run at other times. Which is strange, because the Fiddleneck trail seemingly goes right through the creek. It was a tough challenge navigating the many river rocks though.
After the creek and climbing a big hill I was starting to feel the effects of my longish walk. I'm not sure how much I hiked, probably no more than a mile, but it's not something I'm used to. I rally enjoyed myself though. It was great to get out of dorms and into nature, where it was quiet except for the occasional plane sounds, hawk screeches, and rustling birds and lizards. There was only a few people on the trails with me and only one I crossed paths with. I felt alone during most of my walk, which was nice for my mind.
Next time I get out I'm definitely going to try out the Sonoma Valley Regional Park and maybe even the Jack London park, also in Glen Ellen. But as the year wanes on, I don't know how much I'll be able to do before the rain starts, though that will make for some good pictures as well.
The trees are valley oaks. The park is at its best in mid winter storms and in the spring.
I love your writing :)
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